April 05, 2008

At home wherever I live...

Northern California freelance journalist came to visit me at Camont in October. This is what she wrote. I have read the comments to the article with great interest. After these 20 years living in France, traveling to many other European countries, a year roughing it in Africa, moving all up and down the west coast, a childhood in Hawaii--I just can't imagine people carrying so many misconceptions about one country, one people.

I've written it a thousand times as I traveled across Europe by barge; I call this my Long Village. Now, the Long Village extends across oceans and continents and includes people who speak many languages, eat many kinds of food, have ups and downs and laugh a lot. My Long Village neighbors come in all sizes, shapes and humors. God bless the differences!

For those who have never traveled this Long Village road, let me introduce you to some of my smiling French neighbors. To be continued...


  1. That was nicely written. Fun to know some of your backstory. Good luck on your new ventures.

  2. Love your story, Kate.

  3. Great article, but I couldn't bear to read the comments, so many of them were so negative. My grandfather used to say that you make your luck - and you certainly deserve yours ;)

    One day I hope to visit


  4. It's funny, reading some of those comments make me realize why I left San Francisco!

  5. A nice article although it did not do justice to the "magic" of the place. As one who has been there twice, reading the article brought back wonderful memories. Jeanette

  6. Nice profile -- I didn't bother to look at the comments. How could anything be negative about these stories? Well, maybe I will take a look now...

  7. I came across you site searching the wed looking for directions to a store in France- "Not Family Pottery"
    I will be in that area the last week of april and would like to buy a cassoulet pot. Do you have directions?

  8. I'm not sure why, but Chronicle stories frequently elicit online comments from hardcore nutjobs. I enjoyed meeting you through the article and admire the courage and guts it takes to do something besides complaining.
