March 21, 2007

Spring fever

that day. balance. jour et nuit.
an equal distance of seasons.
an equinox of vernal inclinations.

Yes, Spring.

I don't need a calendar.
I open my ears to the early birdsong.
I open my eyes to-
the peach pink and plum white orchards,
chrome yellow forsythia and chinese roses,
the fat cocoon buds of wysteria ready to spill out lilac drops of scent.
I walk past the flowering cherry tree I planted-- how many years ago? and wonder why I didn't plant another- closer to the boat. This is my Japanese print view every time I return from the laundry room, the mailbox, the washing line.

Go plant another tree now; next vernal equinox you'll thank me.


  1. That's the view from my room. Does Bacon still look up to the window hoping to find me? I hope so.


  2. And in Kansas City the magnolias are in full bloom as well as the Bradford pear, we plant pansy's and think of the summer garden with tomatoes and green beans. Thanks for your writings. It is much appreciated.
    M. Vandenberg
