With Russia's Vladimir Putin on the cover and the year's roundup of top news photographs inside, I had to smile when I picked up the current issue of TIME magazine and found our own star French dish reaching out from The Global Advisor section. Cassoulet is indeed still in the global consciousness as a journalist from Departures magazine also called this month to ask my opinions about THE best cassoles in the world. Of course, this prompted a last minute drive down the windy road to Cassoulet country as the bidding for the Menu for Hope raffle was drawing to a close and my lovely 20-year old cassole up on the blocks.
So for those keeping track of these things, food trends and such, let it be noted that Camp Cassoulet continues in 2008 and hits the road in early spring toward the West Coast of America and then makes a special all-star French connection in New Orleans before the IACP international conference in Mid April. As IACP's country coordinator for France, I look forward to meeting other international members and sharing one of France's iconic culinary treasures in an informal and fun day at Camp Cassoulet-NOLA. More to come...

And for those wondering just what 2008 offers from my French Kitchen Adventures... stay tuned for a new look, classic recipes and way to own your own authentic cassole from French Kitchen Pantry.
Any hints about which parts of the West Coast you'll be visiting? I would so love to do Camp Cassoulet in Camont but I just don't see that in my future, at least not in the next few years. But if Camp Cassoulet is going to be anywhere near my part of the Coast... wow!
Three cheers and a toast to Cassoulet and Camp Cassoulet's host!
But, do I see bread crumbs on that dish of Cassoulet in the photo? *gasp*
Happy New Year Kate!
Happy New Year, Kate. I'm waiting anxiously for the location of the "near the West Coast" Camp Cassoulet as, much like Michelle, I can't see myself in France this year and I would soooo love to attend.
Hi all, still trying to set dates between April 1-10th before the IACP conference in NOLA. the Cam Cassoulet heads west list: Seattle, Portland, Eugene, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, LA...not necessarily in that order. If you have a likely venue or a very large kitchen, let me know! I'll bring the cassole!
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