February 13, 2008

Faux Twitter

I can't seem to find the time. Training Bacon to ride a bike. Hanging a curtain rod. Fixing a toilet. Two down and two to go. Eating bread and wine for dinner. Good French bread and great Madiran wine. Skype, Blog, phone, cell, email, website... Unplug. Quiet. A night bird calls out across the canal. Twitter.


  1. I would like to unplug and drink a glass of wine with you :)

  2. Eating bread and wine? Wonderful! My favourite food and drink. Who wants more? Maybe a night bird singing outside:)Besos

  3. Actually, I should have made it clear...dunking bread into wine is about my favorite way to imbibe!

    And anytime either of you are in the area... come join me. I'll be down your way Campo di Fragole in May... may be can have a glass of Cava!

  4. Wonderful, done!Please let me know when you are here in Emporda'.
