August 03, 2008

Old France in New Zealand-coming soon

" The old moon cradled in the arms of the new..." a friend's mum used to say.

When the littlest crescent moon is born, you can still see the echo of the full moon behind it. So what happens when you take a girl out of the country -Old France- and put her on the new moon side of the world -New Zealand-? You will still see the echo of Gascony in the food I will be teaching on a month long jaunt across the north and south islands.

My life on the Gascon Ranch is full of the comings and goings of wonderful guests, friends and clients... sometimes all rolled into one. Last year Ian, Alison and Anthony Metcalfe spent the jaunty month of June at Camont and fell in love with the food, the land and the people of my corner of Gascony. It was no surprise to me that after returning to New Zealand from their 'gap year' in Europe, that they found an excellent way to extend their souvenirs of France, Spain and Italy. They have taken the helm of Great Village Holidays into their capable hands.

Ian skyped me one day last winter and asked if I would be interested in traveling to NZ to teach some cooking classes, host some dinners and sign a few copies of my long running, evergreen cookbook. How long did it take to say "yes"?

So after a winter, spring and summer of dipping down into Spain to sample the wares for a Stylish Spanish book, I am heading for that long white cloud of a country to share my love of Southwest France with hungry folk in Christchurch, Hamilton, Wellington, Tasman and Auckland (not necessarily in that order!).

I am looking forward to meeting fellow bloggers, food lovers, cooks and writers, and especially artisan food producers who will help me make Good Gascon food with Great New Zealand products!

I fly out from Paris on Tuesday... next stop Dubai! Oh, Who's minding the Bacon at home? Why Monday Matt, of course, who promises a potager inventory for his next post... tonight's supper courtesy of his home grown CSA box of coeur de boeuf tomatoes, piments, courgettes, eggplants and well, more peppers, of course!


  1. ohh that is so exciting, please post when and where you will be while in NZ, I have been reading your blog for a year now and can not belive my luck you are coming to Aoteoroa !!

  2. She may have got the quote from the Scottish ballad "Sir Patric Spens" which is about a tragic sailing voyage that took place around 1290.

    "I saw the new moon late yestreen,
    Wi' the auld moon in her arm,"

    In sailing terms, this is supposed to be a bad omen (the tides are a their maximum).

    Anyway, I know you were just using the quote as a metaphor, but thought you might like the story behind it!

  3. Deb, I'll post the individual dates on my Google calendar at the bottom of this page. I'd love to meet you and any other bloggers/readers while visiting chez vous!

    and Kate...thanks so much for that lovely quote and the rest of the story! Although it might bode foul tides and weather, I have always loved the image of the two moons in my skies. Merci!

  4. So looking forward to hearing about your adventures - and about how the garden grows while you're away :)


  5. Have a fabulous time!

    I'm in the middle of The Saucier's Apprentice and hey! look who appears.

    I'm glad he had nice things to say about you. It's a bit like reading a train wreck, otherwise.

  6. Can't wait to hear news from New Zealand!!!

  7. yoo hoo are you in New Zeland yet? Any dates for a visit to Wellington?

