October 02, 2008

Home Sweet Gascon Home

Travel days suck the minutes out of the day and here I am, a month later having returned from la belle NZ still trying to catch up. We've been cooking, cooking, cooking at the French Kitchen nonstop since I returned and there is a several more weeks of Camp Cassoulet and private classes to come.

The fall days color this private corner of my French world with a luminous haze, a golden silver net of spiderwebs and dew, red rosehips and falling leaves. Five new hens are pecking in garden and a tentative crow from a young rooster trails in the morning mist. The Autumn equinox descends on Camont leaving Orion as its calling card hanging above the pigeonnier tower. Pumpkins and mushrooms fill our baskets while the last figs simmer into yet another jar of confiture des figues epices.
This might be my favorite time of year.
In France.
Wish you were here...


  1. I'll bet it's nice to be home! And such a nice home it is.

    Happy Autumn.

  2. Welcome home!
    I hope you had a fantastic trip and look forward to hearing some more of your stories from New Zealand.
    I'm sure Bacon missed you and is thrilled to have you back! :)

  3. Welcome back!
    We thought you would never come home.

  4. Welcome back.
    We thought you would never get home!

  5. Ah Kate, what a life you live. I miss "le petit paradis". Hope to see you in the Spring. Thanks for the blog to keep my French connection alive.
    Sue & Black Mario
