January 13, 2009

A day in the life... ten things to do before making leftovers for dinner.

1. fix a broody hen
During the great Gascon communication blackout of the New Year- no phones, no internet, no blogging, and no telepathy since Dec 19, I fell into a rhythm of work and rest that has taken hold as a pattern as distinct as the soft llama wool sweater that I am finally trying to knit, one row at a time. Knit, knit, and knit some more. Really, I did miss your daily emails, the sorting and sifting of unbidden mail, and the friendly chats just to make sure that you are really still there.

2 & 3. prune the cherry trees and sand & varnish 1/4 of the wheelhouse

But a funny thing happened when I wasn't writing it all down as I was trying to do it. Rather than seeming to drift from one task to the next, occasionally interrupted by 'urgent' messages, and justifying my right brain daily life with my left brain fictional life I found a sort of peaceful path of least resistance to the never ending chores and tasks that mark this French life.

4. rake the boulodrome in the park

It was only after I decided to write about and photograph 'my afternoon' that I 'stumbled on' (Google 'left brain/right brain') this simple test. Sure enough- right brain all the way- 60% except for that highly verbal left brain. Hmm, make's sense from this perspective. This is what my test results said:

Dominant Random Processing. Random processing is a method used by the right hemisphere for processing information. The information that is received is processed without priority. A right-brained person will usually jump from one task to another due to the random processing by their dominant right hemisphere. Random processing is, of course, the opposite of sequential processing therefore making it difficult for right-brained individuals to choose to learn in sequence.

5. & 6. trim the bay laurel and walk Bacon

No surprises there! Then:
You show a strong ability at random processing. You are good at completing tasks in an unspecified order, and don't waste time creating lists when they aren't needed. You are also able to make "leaps of logic" and make discoveries a sequential thinker could never dream of making.

7. feed the birds

When students and guests arrive here at Camont, we cook and shop and cook until that is all that seems to matter. But as you can see today, this random processing of a day in the life of a French Kitchen led to little to eat of note. In fact, leftovers are the goal tonight: some spicy beans, an open tin of sardines, a hardboiled egg and some salad greens. The sweet finish to my dinner and day is knowing just how wonderfully diverse my life and days really are. No office commute, no time card, no ...paycheck. But I do have the daily University of Camont to attend-- learning about broody hens, soil chemistry, lunar cycles and historical nautical design.

8. move the ash pile

You can take your own right brain/left brain test here, but looking at these pictures is proof enough for me that I like it mixed up and in no particular order. I am getting things done in my own Kate fashion.

9. & 10. chop some wood and give thanks.

Just another day in the life of...


  1. beautiful. it is nice to take it slow and savor each moment. i need to turn the computer off more. and just be. and take photos. while eating leftovers.

    brightest blessings!

  2. I was thinking of you a lot while your communication was down, and asking everyone in the world if they had any news. Great to see you are alright, Kate!

    What do you do with your ash pile? I ask this because we have started accumulating a large amount of ashes and would love tips on the best way to use or dispose of this echo of dinners past.

  3. happy new year you two!
    Riana, I try to make my work time specific on the computer, even if to time 15 minutes of browsing, otherwise you can spend all day thinking you have done something!

    and Lucy, I found this as a great garden guide for the ashes. http://www.gardenwiseonline.ca/gw/sustainable-gardening/2006/11/01/how-use-wood-ash-garden. I know that slugs don't like 'sweet's soil so it is all destined to the potager and herb gardens- a good winter garden activity.

  4. This is an excellent post. Happy New Year to you -- maybe we will be able to meet up with Loulou together in 2009...

  5. Kate,
    So happy to see you again! Bonne Année my friend!
    Sent several emails between Thanksgiving and New Year's and it seems that you didn't get any of them.
    Love this post. Love the blue of your wheelhouse.

    I posted a blurb/rant about the definition of Cassoulet after someone hit on my site searching for "vegetarian cassoulet". Photos of Camp Cassoulet and links to your recipe. Such wonderful memories.
    I made a big vat last weekend. Heavenly! Why don't I make it more often?
