April 07, 2009

French Easter Baskets...au marche!

Now that we ALL know that 'plastic or paper' is so passé, I took a look at my Saturday morning market with a fresh Spring eye. From the ubiquitous reed panier woven in Morocco to the classic canvas trolley that les grande dames wield with stunning accuracy across vulnerable toes, here are just a sample of a few of my favorites filled to the brim with fresh spring vegetables and the hint of a French Easter Brunch under the just blooming wisteria vine.

The first strawberries, asparagus, & artichauts arrive to join
a leg of lamb in a Spring celebration of all that's new and colorful.

Try to make your next shopping expedition just a little more green and...

1 comment:

  1. Yay, you're back! Loved all the color in this post. Ah, the French and their shopping bags! I see those long rolling types frequently at our market in Paris! Have yet to purchase one though!
