October 29, 2007

Camp Cassoulet- compass heading Southwest

For those of you meeting me on Saturday (or for those just wishing you could meet me on Saturday) here is the plan for the first ever Camp Cassoulet!

Meet me at the Relais de Camont at 9:45 or
at the Nerac Market- cafe next to the maison de presse
at the market square.

Each team will shop for all the necessary ingredients for cassoulet- confit de canard and/or pork, saucisse de Toulouse, couenne (pork rind), ventreche, etc. I'll supply the vegetable basics (onions, garlic, spices, duck fat, etc).

An informal 'retour de la marche' lunch upon returning will fortify us for the afternoon's work.

For those coming just for dinner- King Cassoulet Dinner will be in front of the fireplace around 8 pm with roasted pumpkin pockets, a potager salad and David L's home made ice cream with armagnac.

Those wishing to make a cassoulet to take home can do since we'll have a few canning jars at hand!

This is a French Kitchen Adventure in honor of Bacon's First ever birthday!
one year old and still growing...
all dogs welcome!


  1. So wish I could join you, but it's really a little impractical at this point. However, I am sure you'll keep us posted ... I'm especially interested in the bottling process for cassoulet ... will you go through that when you're writing up this fantastic weekend's work?


    xx Joanna

  2. Happy Birthday Bacon!
    Like me, there will be many of us with you all in spirit. Enjoy.

  3. Such a lovely place in Blogland. Happy Birthday to your little Bacon. Karen

  4. Just stumbled upon your blog and thought I'd say SALUT and and that I would love Camp Cassoulet!!! However, being 6000 miles away makes it a bit difficult. :(
    I did see confit de canard at Costco here, but it just wouldn't be the same without saucisse de Toulouse.
    Have fun!
