October 22, 2007

Fall back... Truffle News!

It was six and a half months ago when I wrote that Spring was coming.
Just now at 5:35 those same plaintive calls from so high are announcing that winter is at last on the way- the sound of 200some cranes overhead waking me from an afternoon reverie.

Here on the ground, it's a sign for other winter rites. So grab your beret and jackets and if not flying south, then think about the winter treats to come- foie gras, armagnac & truffles.
For more truffleness consult:

This year was a lovely long springsummerfall.
Now, let the dark months come and with them the black diamonds of the Perigord.

PS Camp Cassoulet is just 2 weeks away... anyone who can get them selves to this corner of France is most welcome to join in the hi-jinks! Just drop me an email ...


  1. The ugly head of jealousy has just reared itself...yes, I am insanely jealous that your access to truffles is that easy. Count your blessings my friend.

  2. I love your blog...your life is a lovely adventure and you have created such a wonderful place here. Karen
